All happy hour food items must be accompanied by the purchase of a beverage

Happy Hour specials are not available for take-out

 Happy Hour Menu

Health & Safety Measures

The safety and well-being of our guests and employees is our #1 priority.

As such, we are following government guidelines and taking additional measures to keep you safe. Strict protocols have been implemented in our restaurant as outlined below:

·         All dine-in guests will be required to use provided hand sanitizer prior to entering. 

·         Hand sanitizer stations are available throughout the restaurant for guest use.

·         All guest table surfaces including chairs will be disinfected thoroughly

·         Stringent hygiene protocol training has been implemented for all employees. 

·         Washrooms will be sanitized every 2 hours.

·         Menus, billfolds, and condiments will be thoroughly sanitized after each guest.

Any guest exhibiting COVID-19 related symptoms will be asked to return when they are well.

Thank you for your support and trust in us, we LOVE beING part of nanaimo’s vibrant downtown!

70 Church Street, Nanaimo, BC